Monday, June 11, 2012

Delicious Berry Soup

This hearty soup is perfect as a breakfast; it will make your morning the best of all with the flavor that for sure brings a smile in your face. Start your day with this meal and be happy and energetic with the rest of the day.

1 1/2 lb Chuck steak, 1" thick, boned and trimmed of excess fat
1 c Fresh blackberries
1 tablespoons Light honey
1 Medium white onion, peeled and sliced
2 c Beef stock
3 tablespoons Peanut oil
Salt to taste

Cooking Instructions:
Prep time: 10 minutes
Cooking time: 1 hour
Cooking Steps:
•    Broil or grill the meat until cook and brown on all sides, set aside to cool down.
•    In a Dutch oven heat the oil and cook the onions until brown.
•    Cut the meat into bite-sized and add into the Dutch oven.
•    Add the blackberries and enough beef stock to cover the meat.
•    Add the honey and let it simmer, cover for about 1 hour or until meat is tender.
•    Add honey, salt and adjust the taste.
•    Serve in bowls.

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